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Home Help - Understanding Symptoms, Potency & Dose

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

I’m glad to see you here! I hope you are interested in finding out more about using homeopathy at home. Perhaps you have read quite a bit but are unsure about how to administer a remedy? My aim here is to help you through that stage so you can feel confident in helping your loved ones in an acute situation. If you are unsure about what an’ acute’ is…. Have a read of ‘Acute and Chronic illness, Understanding Homeopathy’ on the Blog page of my website. If you are unsure about finding the remedy with the best fit to your symptom picture, have a look at ‘The Remedy Picture Explained’. There you will gain understanding about the holistic nature of prescribing in homeopathy and see that its important to include emotional symptoms along with the physical ones.

Homeopathy is safe and effective, there are no side effects! With a little knowledge you can prescribe safely in the knowledge that you can do no harm. Occasionally a slight aggravation can appear after taking a remedy – this is most often a very positive sign and will resolve quickly. Speak to your homeopath if you or your family are very sensitive.

Before we dive in, I would advise you to always trust your intuition, especially if a member of your family is ill. No-one knows them as well as you do. Remember Homeopathy is not intended to replace your physician, you should never stop taking prescribed medications without the support of your doctor, nor is homeopathy advised when there is a medical emergency.


This is the part when you must spot all the characteristic symptoms of the illness in order to match those symptoms to your chosen remedy. It is helpful to make a checklist which might look like this:

What are you seeing?

Is there a fever, a change in skin tone, perspiration?

Where on the body is there perspiration?

Is the patient hot or cold, or perhaps hot and cold in different areas of the body?

Is the person in pain?

What does the pain feel like? Throbbing, pulsing, pressing etc etc.

Where is it on the body?

Does it change place?

Is there anything that makes it feel better or worse – time of day, hot or cold applications, drinking or eating, lying in a particular position for example?

Is there a strong thirst? Is that for hot or cold drinks?

Any discharges – mucus, diarrhoea, vomit, pus? What does the discharge look like, colour, consistency, does it burn the skin or is it bland?

Mood – has the patient had a marked change of mood – irritability, clinginess, anger etc?

Are they better or worse for company?

Are they restless or reluctant to move?

Choose the symptoms that really jump out at you and look up the most common remedies for this type of illness either online or in a Homeopath Self-help book. Homeopathy247 offers a great coaching course you will love. Look at ‘In depth first aid course – Which Remedy’.


Most first aid kits come in a 6c or 30c potency although some emergency first aid kits are in a 200c potency. For home prescribing you probably won’t need to use any others so in order to keep things simple I’ll stick to these. I like to think about the intensity of the body’s response to illness when considering potency. So, if there is a sudden or violent shock to the body, the higher 200c potency is most suitable although if you only have a 30c that is also fine to use. When there is weakness and exhaustion think of using the lower 6c potency. It can be repeated more frequently whereas the high potencies should be used more sparingly. The lower 6c potency is also one to think of when the patient is very sensitive. The higher 200c has a more robust energy response. 30c is a great ‘go to’ mid-potency for most situations, cuts bruises, mild fevers and coughs for example.


My rule of thumb in any potency is to give a remedy then wait and watch. Should the symptoms lessen but after a time appear to worsen again – repeat the remedy. Once again, wait and watch -if the symptom picture changes as the body goes through it’s healing process, change the remedy by reassessing the symptom picture. If there is no change then the remedy choice is not a good match, reassess the symptoms and try a different remedy. In this instance also look for anything that might be preventing the remedy from working. Eucalyptus vapor in a room for example may antidote the remedy action.

The lower potencies can be repeated more frequently than the higher ones so you might want to give a 6c more frequently than a 200c. Always be guided by the response of the body. After three doses which might be every ten minutes or every two hours, reassess the symptoms to check you are still giving the correct remedy. If progress is steady you can gently space out the dosing frequency of the remedies until they are no longer required. Remember less is more and observation is key. If symptoms persist, then it’s a good idea to check in with a professional homeopath.

If you still have unanswered questions or want to discuss booking an appointment, please book a free 15 minute chat through my website. Good luck in your home prescribing!

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