Case Study
18 month old Boy
Presenting Complaint: Sleep issues – has only slept ten nights since birth.
Case history revealed a strong desire to be held, otherwise a very independent, confident boy, [interesting to see that a confident child had this underlying insecurity of needing to be held].
On the physical side he had an aversion to solid food, abdominal pain with flatulence and putrid, slimy, smelly bowel movements, his stomach was very sensitive to touch, he was happiest sleeping on his tummy, he was thirsty at night and had an aggravation from milk.
Remedies given over the course of four months included Morgan Gaertner, Lycopodium, Merc Sol and one Miasmatic remedy which focused on his family history.
Here are the words of his Mum at his last appointment since which time he has required no further treatment: “My son is now a content, lively little boy and is finally out of pain. He has slept right through the last 9 nights and is off all remedies now. Can’t thank you enough for the help you’ve given us”.
