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Losing Excess Weight and Constitutional Homeopathy

Ann Lovatt

Updated: Jan 27

Weight loss and joint care should go hand in hand. Homeopathy can support you with this.

If you suffer from joint disease of any sort, your weight can become a real issue. Not only are you more unsafe if you have to undergo surgery but you also add to the physical burden on the joints creating more pain, stiffness and stress.

I look after many patients who are suffering from joint pain and associated pathologies. In many cases I find that pain decreases mobility and that food can be a huge source of comfort. I have thought long and hard about various diets and have experimented with many myself but this one, running alongside homeopathic treatment, is I find, a real success.

Of course every diet represents restrictions and every person has incredibly varying needs and in order to stay healthy whilst dieting I would always say you should book in to see a nutritionist and make sure your Doctor is on board too. I can recommend uk based Nutritional Therapist Rachel Robson who works online and can help you wherever you are in the world. Visit the 'Helpful People' page of my website to find out more about her. Rachel will explore the concepts of 'Intuitive Eating' and 'Nutrition via Addition' with you, she is really inspiring and believes that there is space for all foods in a healthy diet (except artificial sweeteners and diet drinks!). Eating the rainbow and enjoying what you eat without a shred of guilt is less likely, in her words, to lead to comfort eating and it can be liberating to consider what you don't have on your plate - how can you add colour, make your meal look joyous, a celebration - never feeling like eating is a punishment! Rachel can guide you if you are neurodivergent and seek a Dopamine 'hit' via your food. She can guide you towards more healthy ways to encourage those feel-good chemicals in the body's reward system. The thoughts regarding weight loss I suggest below meanwhile are just my opinion as a Homeopath and are based on my own experience.

For the purposes of this article I am going to suggest a few things which, if you stick to them, will help you to lose some weight over time. Remember, changing your diet to make it more healthy should be something to celebrate and it means making small changes over a long time so that habits become second nature. You may want to start by changing only one thing at a time. Expect results gradually over months not weeks, that is the best way to stay a healthy weight. Please consult your Doctor or your Homeopath if you have any issues regarding blood pressure, blood sugar or if you have any concerns regarding your medical history.

I will finish with some thoughts on Homeopathy to support you throughout this process.

Include plenty of colour in your daily diet
Include plenty of colour in your daily diet

Small changes over time make for long lasting success.

Set your meal times in order to ensure you eat within a short time of waking and that you do not eat anything for three hours prior to going to bed. Try to stick to these regular times and remember this is only a guide and everyone has different needs, working hours and body clocks..

Have a savoury breakfast or at least, a breakfast without sugar. If you are having fruit, try to avoid very sugary fruits such as ripe bananas if you are trying to shed a little weight. Fresh fruit is best, blueberries, strawberries, kiwi fruits etc. Nuts and seeds are a valuable source of energy for the day, add them in. Start looking for that rainbow straight away!


At lunchtime enjoy a moderate sized portion of whatever you fancy but make sure you include two thirds green or coloured veg / salad (rainbow). This is the time to eat your Carbohydrates.

Blood sugar levels are hugely benefitted by making up an Apple Cider based dressing with good quality olive oil and eating your salad first in the meal. This really kick-starts your digestion.

Avoid deserts but if you love to indulge in something sweet, this is the time to do it, maybe a piece of dark chocolate, something that feel indulgent but doesn't contain too much sugar or fat. If you eat your sweet immediately after your main meal your body will do a more efficient job of digesting it.

Now probably the most important change : No carbs whatever from this point onwards in the day.

At Supper time (early evening) you only need protein and veg or a salad (rainbows!). It can be a good sized satisfying portion but no carbs at all. 

Snacks: Try to avoid of course but if you snack on some fresh fruit or nuts that's fine. Ration yourself to less than 14 Cashews or toasted whole almonds per day. Nuts are an excellent source of protein but are quite high in calories and carbs so have them before lunch as a snack if you need something. Just so you know, A single serving of cashew nuts is 1 ounce—or about 18 nuts. One serving contains 157 calories and just under 9 grams of carbohydrate. Most of the carbohydrate in cashews is starch. A small amount is fiber (just under 1 gram), and the rest (about 1.7 grams) is sugar. Try snacking on raw carrots, crunchy celery or apple, have fun finding snacks you really love that fit the bill for you.

Choose a healthy snack if you can.
Choose a healthy snack if you can.

Drink lots of extra water in between meals. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the recommended daily water intake for adult women is around 2.7 liters (11 cups) and for men is around 3.7 liters (16 cups). If you feel hungry, have a full glass of water before reaching for food. Try to avoid alcohol completely. If you do have the odd glass of wine, don't be hard on yourself, it's all about finding the right balance for you and after all, a good wine has health benefits too - in moderation!

Walking regularly when the weather permits will help too and as soon as you feel up to exercising, find a group to join so you get the benefit of meeting new people and allow that to give you further motivation to keep healthy. 

Rejuvenate outdoors!
Rejuvenate outdoors!

How can Homeopathy possibly help?

Homeopathy can really help if you feel sluggish, have issues with energy, pain, any physical symptoms that are worse due to the fact that you are carrying extra weight. The way homeopathy works is energetic, it is possible to raise what we call the Vital Energy in the body in such a way that your body's own healing response is dramatically lifted. Homeopathy also targets Mental & Emotional symptoms, so if you have anxiety for example, there are remedies which can be prescribed which will help to alleviate that.

Remedies such as Anacardium, Aurum, Calc carb, Capsicum, Ferrum, Graphites, Kali-bich, Kali-carb, Lycopodium, and Phytolacca are listed in our professional repertories in capital letters for symptoms around obesity. There is a whole selection of remedies which are better during Menopause, a time when women often find that their body is changing and excess weight round the middle is more difficult to lose.

Come and find out more about how I can help you today.

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