Mastitis or a blocked duct / breast abscess is sadly a very common and often distressing part of breastfeeding if you become run down and susceptible to infection.. Usually you will feel a lumpy area in the breast which may or may not look inflamed or red. Home prescribing at this stage can often be very effective and Aconite early on may see it off, however if you develop a fever and suppuration, only try the remedies below for a very short window of time - two to three doses before seeking professional help.
Homeopathic Remedies for Mastitis
Phytolacca – fits the picture of really intense pain, particularly whilst feeding, the nipples often crack and become oversensitive, milk ducts get blocked and there can be shivering and a feeling of exhaustion. Pain radiates from the nipple to the entire body, breast tissue is hard and nodular. This remedy is slower to act than Belladonna.
Belladonna – keynote throbbing sensations and redness, engorgement, red streaks can radiate out from the nipple, often a fever too. Best when the Mastitis comes on suddenly.
Pulsatilla – emotionally very weepy and often chilly and not thirsty, the nipples are deeply cracked and often bleed. Milk supply over abundant.
Hepar sulph – one of the chilliest remedies, irritable, highly sensitive to pain, may even faint in anticipation of it, most helpful once the suppuration has begun to discharge.
Merc sol – Blood streaked, smelly wound stage, face pale, mouth dry and breath foul, extreme thirst.
Silica – brings an abscess to a head, better for heat, lumpy painful breast, stitching, cutting pains, cracks bleed and wounds are slow to heal.
Sulphur -Nipples cracked, itchy, very sore, redness and inflammation, emotionally short tempered, worse left side.