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Natural Support for Chickenpox

Updated: Sep 18

Chickenpox, caused by the varicella-zoster virus, is a common and highly contagious infection. While complications are rare, the severity can vary from mild to widespread rashes. Typically, chickenpox provides lifelong immunity, but the virus can remain dormant and potentially cause shingles later in life.


Chickenpox begins with reddish pimples that evolve into fluid-filled blisters, which can be intensely itchy. Other symptoms may include fever and loss of appetite. The spots generally persist for up to five days.

Practical Help

  1. Cooling and Comfort:

  2. Keep the affected individual cool and dressed in loose clothing.

  3. Trim nails short to prevent scratching and infection of the spots.

  4. For babies, use cotton socks or mitts to cover their hands.

  5. Rest and Recovery:

  6. Encourage bed rest and adequate sleep.

Natural Treatments

  1. Soothing Baths:

  2. Oatmeal Bath: Place a handful of porridge oats in a cotton sock, tie the end, and place it under running tap water. The used sock can also be used to dab on individual spots.

  3. Chamomile Bath: Add one or two chamomile tea bags under running water. Used tea bags can also be applied to spots.

  4. Bicarbonate of Soda and Lavender: Add one tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda and two drops of lavender oil to a lukewarm bath.

  5. Topical Relief:

  6. Apply aloe vera gel or lavender oil to soothe itching.

  7. Fever Management:

  8. Avoid attempting to lower the fever; it is the body’s natural response to the infection and helps in fighting it. Consider Belladonna if the fever is prolonged or difficult.

  9. Immune Support:

  10. Supplement with vitamin C or include vitamin C-rich foods to boost the immune system.

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathy offers various remedies to alleviate your symptoms and aid the healing process. Here are keynotes of some common remedies:

  1. Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus tox):

  2. Indications: This remedy is most effective when the rash is intensely itchy, especially if the itching worsens at night or with scratching.

  3. Sulphur:

  4. Indications: Suitable for chickenpox with a rash that is red, itchy, and burning. It is particularly useful if the person feels worse from warmth and experiences drowsiness in the afternoon but restlessness at night. The Sulphur patient is usually worse from bathing.

  5. Antimonium Tartaricum (Ant tart):

  6. Indications: This remedy is indicated when the rash is slow to develop, the child is unwell with drowsiness, fever, and possibly a cough. The blisters may be large and filled with thick, yellowish fluid.

  7. Belladonna:

  8. Indications: Recommended for chickenpox with a sudden onset of high fever, a bright red rash, and symptoms such as headache, drowsiness, or restlessness. The child's face may be flushed, and the eyes may be sensitive to light.

  9. Mercurius Solubilis (Merc):

  10. Indications: Useful for cases where the blisters discharge pus, and the child is very sensitive to temperature changes. Symptoms may include swollen lymph nodes, offensive breath, and perspiration.

  11. Pulsatilla:

  12. Indications: Suitable for chickenpox with milder rashes and significant itching. It is often used for those who are weepy, clingy, and seek comfort. Pulsatilla patients are changeable in their symptoms and love the fresh air from an open window.

  13. Apis Mellifica (Apis):

  14. Indications: Beneficial for chickenpox with a rash that is highly inflamed, red, and swollen, accompanied by stinging and burning sensations. There can be restlessness and anger.

In severe cases, Variolinum may be beneficial but this should only be prescribed by a professional homeopath - ask me for help at this point. I can also help with issues around scarring and any development into Shingles at a later stage.

Scarring Prevention

To minimize scarring, consider using:

  • Rosehip oil

  • Calendula oil

  • Vitamin E oil

  • Raw honey

Important Note

While natural and homeopathic treatments can be beneficial, always use parental instinct and seek professional advice if concerned about your child's response to chickenpox.

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