Have you tried all the brutal methods of external removal?
Now try homeopathy, holistic healing from the inside, out.
Warts of any kind can be embarrassing, itchy and painful. Verrucas (Plantar Warts) can be particularly troublesome as they can spread so easily, particularly if your skin is wet.
Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), (there are around 130 types affecting different parts of the body) and it’s important to realise that not everyone contracts them on exposure. As with all disease there must be a susceptibility or weakness in the immune system that allows the virus to flourish. That’s why its always best to seek professional advice about how to proceed. You may remove the superficial skin response but the root cause may not resolve so often the problem will reappear again and again until you do. In homeopathy it is far better to try Constitutional Prescribing.
What is Constitutional Prescribing using Homeopathy?
Constitutional treatment takes into account the whole person, unlike a therapeutic (external) approach which can be suppressive. Constitutional prescribing gets to the root of the issues - why are the warts there in the first place…. skin pathology is so often indicative of a deeper disturbance in the body and the skin is often the safest way for the body to express it. Therefore if you cauterise warts they do tend to come back or come out in another place because the dis-ease in the body has not been addressed. I have found that the best way to address warts of all types is to give a constitutional remedy even if it doesn’t appear to specifically target the wart. If I’m aiming to treat the whole person and perhaps a more serious deeper issue then the warts often disappear as part of that process.
Plantar Warts (Verrucas)
Not to be confused with the soft, watery, fleshy warts on the body of Molluscum which require different remedies, Plantar warts most often appear on the feet, are hard, and have multiple black specks in the centre. They can be particularly painful as they affect the pressure points on the soles of the feet.
With a plantar wart it’s essential to keep the foot really dry. A wipe with apple cider vinegar or surgical spirit can help daily with this. The number one wart remedy Thuja works quickly in around 35% of cases but usually constitutional treatment is needed. Other top wart remedies to look at are listed below. Do consider asking your homeopath for advice at this stage.
Keynotes of the important remedies (remember this is only the tip of the iceberg, if these don’t look right, or if you want to be sure of a more holistic approach please ask for help)
Remedies listed in alphabetical order:
Antimonium Crud
The warts
Hardened warts, like the consistency of horn, or smooth flat warts, can have ulceration around the area, dry skin, burning, itching , often thick hardened skin with cracks
Better – open air, moist warmth, rest, loves food & eating
Worse – cold bathing, cold water, dampness, heat of the sun, averse to touch, vinegar
Emotional picture
Quiet, soft, sensitive, emotional, peevish, excessively irritable, emotions often felt in stomach, sulky, weepy, impressionable, sentimental, cannot be looked at or touched, sadness, disgust for life
The warts
Patches of warts, seedy, large, pedunculated (protruding), flat or ulcerated, sensitive, bleed easily, itchy
Better – damp weather, washing, warmth of bed, cold drinks, gentle motion
Worse – fine dry weather, winds, extremes of temperature, darkness, exertion, from suppressed eruptions, 4pm, chilly and worse from cold
Emotional picture
Sincere, intense, idealistic, sensitive, excitable, compulsive, perfectionist, huge empathy for others and animals, cannot tolerate injustice, OCD, anticipatory anxiety, holds grudges
The warts
Smooth, flat warts, larger, more fleshy
Better – external warmth, dry weather,
Worse – cold damp weather, being chilled while hot, getting wet, cold feet, sweating, rest, suppressed eruptions (prior cautorisation)
Emotional picture
Rather domineering, larger than life in stature and nature, restless, impatient, irritable, haughty, quarrelsome but not angry, dullness
Natrum Mur
The warts
Very sensitive warts, sensitive to pressure, skin dry, chapped, itching, crusty, painful
Better – open air, cool bathing, sweating, rubbing, by the sea
Worse – sunlight, heat of sun , by the seaside, summer, damp, talking, consolation, touch, pressure, 9-11am
Emotional picture
Reserved, sensitive, introverted, romantic, perfectionist, closed, over responsible, too serious, ailments from grief and disappointment, averse to consolation, sadness but cannot weep
Nitric Acid
The warts
Many warts, either extremely painful (like a splinter) or painless, moist, itchy, bleed easily, can be cauliflower shaped.
Better – steady pressure, motion, mild weather
Worse – touch, jarring, shock, noise, cold air, damp, hot weather, heat of bed, loss of sleep
Emotional picture
Anxiety about health, Pessimistic, holds a grudge, fear of death, can be vindictive, deeply selfish, irritable when spoken to, headstrong
The warts
Large fleshy warts, multiple warts, skin easily becomes infected, feet often sweat, also susceptible to fungal infections
Better – warmth, wrapping up, summer,
Worse – Cold air, drafts, uncovering, washing, pressure, suppressed perspiration, night,
Emotional picture
Anxiety, timidity, lacks self confidence, worried about undertaking new things, conscientious about details, yielding but also obstinate, delicate and refined
The warts
Sensitive to touch, painful, dry warts, skin won’t heal, biting pain, itchy,
Better – at night, warmth, from rest
Worse – least touch, new moon, after anger, after grief
Emotional picture
Indignation – why me? Shame, emotional outbursts, morbidly sensitive, suppressed anger, grief, self-pity
The warts
Rapidly growing warts, often large, broad-based, conical shaped, Red, brown warts
Better - pressure, rubbing, scratching, warmth, air
Worse – damp, cold, night, heat of bed, left side, periodically, after suppression
Emotional picture
Introverted, thinks they are ugly or unclean, feeling of fragility