Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections
Let me start by saying that this Blog is intended to make you more aware of certain urinary tract complaints and to inform and arm you with helpful hints. If you have concerns regarding any new symptoms your first response should always be to seek appropriate professional help from your Registered Homeopath or your Doctor.
What can I do to help myself at home?
Understanding when it is appropriate to home prescribe and when it isn't, is really important. Homeopathic medicines can be an extremely helpful support whilst you wait for test results or a consultation and the following information has been put together in order to answer some of your potential questions. If in doubt, always seek professional help.
Cystitis, men and women!
More commonly experienced by women due to the shorter length of the Urethra, Urinary Tract Infections (Cystitis – bladder infection, Urethritis – inflammation of the urethra, or Pyelonephritis – a bladder infection that has spread to the kidneys) affect men too and should never be ignored as urinary symptoms can be a signal that prostate disease is present. Always seek help!
Symptoms to expect
Common symptoms of UTI’s include: urinary frequency, a feeling of fullness in the bladder after voiding, pain (dysuria) on, during or after urination, the presence of blood (haematuria) in urine, chills, fever and low back or loin pain. Most often E.coli (bacteria) is present and easily detected via a urine sample although antibiotic resistant bacteria (Mycoplasma) or Chlamydia should be ruled out with a swab test.
What to do if you have symptoms....
It’s really important that an infection is managed carefully in case it progresses and becomes more serious. While you seek professional help here are a few things you should do:
Alkalise your bladder by drinking a half pint of water mixed with a quarter of a pint of cranberry juice and a quarter of a pint of apple juice. After the first pint keep on drinking frequently as this can help to flush out the bladder.
Try and keep your diet alkaline too by eating plenty of fruit and veg. Cut out all acid foods such as tea, coffee, refined or junk food and alcohol.
Urinate as frequently as possible to keep the urethra free of bacteria – never hold onto urine.
Women and girls – wipe from front to back after going to the toilet.
Keep warm and rest. Sometimes a hot water bottle can be soothing.
Avoid using any fragranced bath products or talcum powder and wash with water alone not soap.
Some people find Uva ursi tea, Stinging nettle tea or Dandelion tea helpful. You may also want to take extra vitamin C and garlic capsules.
Refrain from sexual intercourse, diaphragm use, baths and hot tubs until several days after the infection has resolved.
Seek professional help quickly if:
You or the person you are caring for develops blood in their urine.
If there are any sharp back pains above the waist around each side of the spine.
If there is headache, vomiting, and fever - Pyelonephritis can have serious long term effects on the kidneys so don’t be slow to act.
Recurrent infections (more than three or so withing 12 months) should be investigated by a Urologist in case of structural anomalies, malignancies or chronic stones.
Homeopathic remedies
If you have access to Homeopathic remedies there are several which can be very effective in the management of early stage UTIs. These are included for educational purposes only, are not a complete list, and are not intended to replace the advice of a qualified health practitioner.
Cantharis – also used for burns, usually there is an intense burning pain like passing acid accompanied by a persistent and violent urging with little urine passed. Often the patient is anxious and restless. Pain is the primary symptom.
Arsenicum Album – has the above symptoms of Cantharis but also great anxiety, frequent urging, diarrhoea, weakness and exhaustion. Anxiety, restlessness and fearfulness are uppermost. You will feel chilly.
Pulsatilla – useful when the emotional state is miserable, tearful and clingy and there is a reluctance to drink. Often used in recurrent infections during hormonal changes, the pain is irregular with sudden strong urges which are worse when lying down and no capacity to hold the urine back.
Staphysagria – indicated if the pain feels better whilst urinating and often if the symptoms begin after feeling internalised anger, humiliated or unjustly treated. Most commonly used after bladder surgery, catheterisation or after coition. Often a feeling of a drop of urine constantly rolling along the urethra.
Nux Vomica – useful when there is constant and painful urging but little urine is passed. The patient is extremely irritable. Main symptom is the frequent urge.
Lycopodium – urine may be concentrated and smelly with pain that is worse on the right side. Fullness or heaviness sensation but has to wait for the flow to start. Red sediment often present.
Equisitum – dull pain in the bladder not relieved by urination. Frequent urging which feels stronger as the bladder empties. A feeling of pressure and fullness. Useful during pregnancy or post-partum.
Sarsasparilla – Copious flow with pain at the close of urination. Reddish sediment. Chill sensation radiates from bladder whilst urinating. Also useful if the patient experiences a weak stream of slightly bloody urine. Feels better from warmth and standing up.
How to take a remedy at home
Dose: 30c every two hours until symptoms subside. Don't forget that when symptoms change you need to select a new remedy or contact me for advice. Continue to take the indicated remedy even if you have been prescribed a course of antibiotics and don’t forget to always use a good probiotic whilst you are on an antibiotic and for at least ten days afterwards.
Have a look at my other Helpful Blogs on my website www.annlovatt.com Wishing you wellness!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions