Homeopaths approach symptoms from an entirely different perspective.
Homeopathy has a fundamentally different approach to conventional medicine. Whereas conventional medicine looks to stamp out or eliminate a symptom, homeopaths see the symptoms as the body’s best attempt at healing. They are a sign, a series of flags waving to say ‘I’m under the weather and I’m trying to heal myself in the best possible way I can’.
For example, we may have a fever, vomit or cough in response to our immune system being under par. All these symptoms are a positive action by the body to regain homeostasis or balance. If we don’t allow our body to follow through this safe often eliminative response but instead we suppress that symptom with paracetamol, anti-sickness or cough medicines, there are two ways the body can manage.
One way is that conventional medicine provides a window of relief in order that the body can regain energy and continue to fight the disease hopefully without further suppression, or the second option, is that the body has no choice but to express the illness on a deeper level. So, taking medications to suppress the body’s safe response can lead to more chronic complaints. We often see a progression of suppressed eczema to asthma for example.
Discharging via the skin is one of the safest methods the body has for dealing with disease, hence the reactions we see to allergens and environmental toxins so often nowadays. It makes perfect sense to pinpoint the exact cause of the allergic reaction doesn’t it? So, why do we not more actively seek to find the exact cause of chronic illnesses too? This is what the homeopath does.
One thing to be very clear about is that it is our bodies that do the healing. Homeopathic remedies try to match that symptom picture in order to support and hasten the healing action of the body. This action is known as the Law of Similars, an ancient medical observation first noted in writing by Hippocrates (460-377 BC) but with its origins much further back in history when humans were developing. It means in short, ‘Like cures Like’ and is the primary axiom or law of Homeopathy. In fact the word Homeopathy in Greek comes from ‘Homeos’ = Similar, and ‘Pathos’ = Suffering or Dis-ease.
The job of the homeopath is therefore to find the similar medicine to the symptom picture seen in the patient. Then, the introduction of this similar but foreign energy on the body provokes a healing response. It’s a bit like giving the whole symptom picture a nudge in the right direction – the direction of cure. This takes skill, training and sometimes more than one attempt to get right. A homeopath’s prescription is only as accurate as the information you are prepared to give them. We must understand how you feel, not just that you have x,y, or z disease.
Those of you who have experienced a full consultation will know that the homeopath not only gives you far more time than the average doctor’s appointment, but they also might asks some odd questions seemingly completely unrelated to your presenting complaint. You may be asked about lifestyle, diet, recurrent dreams, fears, worries, past traumas, as well as a comprehensive medical history. During this process you will gain a greater understanding of yourself – an added bonus! The reason we ask these things is because in order to make sense of the complexity of a disease in the body we must understand not only the physical response but also the mental and emotional picture. (See my Blog titled ‘The Remedy Picture explained.’)
Once this full picture is collated, with every nuance and peculiarity, and is understood by the homeopath, we find a closely matching (similar) remedy. The response to the dose in most cases gives us the energy to throw off the dis-ease. Sometimes, particularly nowadays when we take so many medicines which suppress our natural healing process, there can be many layers to peel away before we can finally see – and address, the constitutional picture.
The holistic Constitutional Remedy, when found, is deep acting, it addresses our dis-ease on a fundamental level.
Homeopathy is safe and effective, there are no side effects! With a little knowledge you can prescribe safely in the knowledge that you can do no harm. Occasionally a slight aggravation can appear after taking a remedy – this is most often a very positive sign and will resolve quickly. Speak to your homeopath if you or your family are very sensitive.
Finally, I would advise you to always trust your intuition, especially if a member of your family is ill. No-one knows them as well as you do. It would be wise to learn to listen to our body’s, to allow ourselves time to recover from illness and adjust our lifestyles in order that we get the best out of life. After all, life is precious and short, we may as well enjoy it by respecting what our bodies and minds require in order to be healthy while we are here.
Please also remember that Homeopathy is not intended to replace your physician, you should never stop taking prescribed medications without the support of your doctor, nor is homeopathy advised when there is an emergency situation.
If you want to know more about how I can help you, please book in for a free 15 minute chat so I can assess your needs and make a plan of action of you. I look forward to meeting you!